How to use Faceswap API from PiAPI with Postman

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Hi developers! We are very delighted to make this tutorial to show how you can use PiAPI's Faceswap API with Postman!

Before we dive into this tutorial, do sign up for our Workspace, obtain your API Key, and check out the documentation for our Faceswap API endpoints.

Now, let's get started!


Firstly, you will need to open up or download Postman. Click the "New" button on the top left of your screen and create a new HTTP request, then change the request type to "POST".

An image of a Faceswap API setup tutorial of creating a new HTTP request and changing request type to "POST" in Postman
Setting up the Faceswap API in Postman

Enter the Faceswap API's endpoint address from our docs into the endpoint input field, click on "Headers" and type "x-api-key" in the empty space under the "Key" text and enter your API Key under the "Value" text as shown in the example below.

An image of a Faceswap API setup tutorial with the endpoint address, x-api-key and users' API Key in Postman
Entering PiAPI's Faceswap API endpoint address, the API Key entry, and associated value in Postman

Next, click on "Body" located below the endpoint address, then click on "raw", copy the code from our docs and insert it into the body section. Press "Send", then a task id will be returned to you in the response section, and you will need to keep it for later use. Once you're done, proceed to the next step.

A setup tutorial for generating a Faceswap API request in Postman by entering the target_image and the swap_image URLs into the code under the "raw" section in "Body"
The request body for generating a Faceswap task

Now, we are going to fetch for the task that has been submitted. You will need to create a new HTTP request, change the request type to "POST", then copy the fetch endpoint URL from our docs into the endpoint input field, similar to the above steps.

A setup tutorial of Faceswap API by entering x-api-key and users' API Key into the fetch endpoint in Postman
Entering the fetch endpoint url, the API Key entry, and associated value in Postman

Then, enter the saved task id response into the body of the fetch endpoint, and press "Send". Once the result status shows "finished", you may copy the returned URL (as per arrow below) into a web browser and see your face-swapped image!

An image of using the fetch endpoint to obtain the generated faceswapped image url
The Request HTTP call for fetching the faceswapped image

Note: As you are sending the fetch request, if the returned "status" is either "pending" or "processing", then you should wait for a moment before you re-send the request again.


If you are wondering about pricing, please check out our Faceswap page's pricing section for more information. We also provide custom dedicated deployment service to users who need solutions for specific requirements (ex. low latency, high concurrency, shorter queuing time).

And this is how you can get started using PiAPI's Faceswap API with Postman! Thank you for reading through this tutorial. Do share with people who find this helpful and don't be shy to contact us with any feedback you might have!

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