Luma API & Midjourney API - Exploring the Marvel Multiverse

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Ever wonder how to breathe new life into your Midjourney creations?

By pairing our Midjourney API with our Luma's Dream Machine API, you can now immediately turn your AI generated images into animated videos!

In this blog, we will explore some examples of combining these two AI APIs in action, creating dynamic videos as per the most popular trends!

Example 1: Tom Cruise Iron Man

In our first example, we’ll explore a fan-favorite scenario: the Iron Man character portrayed by Tom Cruise - and we will be using the AI APIs to generate a short scene of this fictional character.

In terms of workflows, we will be testing three different workflows for this example, to help us better understand the steps involved, and the respective output qualities.

Workflow 1: Midjourney to Luma

For this workflow, we will first generate the image for this fictional character using Midjourney API, and then we will use that image along with another prompt to generate the video using the Luma API. Below is the image that we have generated using Midjourney API, with its prompt in its description (all the prompts used in this blog are edited by GPT). The image generated by Midjourney API will then be put into Luma API

PNG image of Tom Cruise in an Iron Man suit staring into the camera, generated by Midjourney
Prompt: "Ultra-realistic, high-definition portrait of Tom Cruise wearing a custom-designed Iron Man suit, with intricate metallic textures and advanced futuristic technology. The suit has a sleek, streamlined design with glowing blue energy sources. Tom Cruise is standing in a heroic pose, in a futuristic cityscape at dusk, with neon lights reflecting off the suit. The atmosphere is cinematic, with a dynamic blend of realism and sci-fi. Hyper-detailed face, showing intensity and determination, with perfect lighting and shadows to enhance realism."

Now that we have the image generated by Midjourney API, we will be inserting that image alongside a new prompt into Dream Machine API, and below is the video generated.

GIF of Tom Cruise in an Iron Man suit staring into the camera and then looking away from the camera as the camera slowly pans from right to left, generated by Luma
Prompt: "Tom Cruise looks away from the camera slowly, as the wind gently blows his hair. The blue energy sources on his chest and hands glow and flicker lightly. The camera movement is panning, panning from left to right, showing the futuristic city lights reflecting off his metallic suit"

Workflow 2: Real Image to Luma

For the second workflow, we have found a real image of Tom Cruise on the internet (see below), and we will use it along with a new prompt to generate the video using the Dream Machine API.

PNG Image of Tom Cruise looking into the camera smiling
An image of Tom Cruise found online to be used as an input to Luma

For the prompt in this workflow, we will have to specify the "man in a red and yellow Iron Man suit" because the Tom Cruise image that we found obviously doesn't have the Iron Man suit. In contrast, Workflow 1's image includes an Iron Man suit since the image is generated by Midjourney, thus the omission in its prompt.

Below is the video generated using the prompt (shown under the video GIF) and the input image found online.

GIF of Tom Cruise looking into the camera smiling at the camera then looking to his left, with the camera slowly pans from right to left, generated by LUMA
Prompt: "Tom Cruise in a red and yellow Iron Man suit looks away from the camera slowly, as the wind gently blows his hair. The blue energy sources on his chest and hands glow and flicker lightly. The camera movement is panning, panning from left to right, showing the futuristic city lights reflecting off his metallic suit"

Workflow 3: Just using Luma

And for the final workflow, we will not use any image as an input to Luma, but only use a relevant prompt to generate the video using the API.

The main difference between the prompts for this workflow and Workflow 1 is that in Workflow 1, the image already features Tom Cruise in an Iron Man suit, so we don't need to specify the "Iron Man suit" part. Whereas this workflow has no initial image, thus needing the specification in the prompt.

And below is the video generated by Luma API, using only the prompt under the GIF.

GIF of Tom Cruise in an iron man suit looking into the camera, and then looking to his left, while the camera slowly pans from right to left, generated by LUMA
Prompt: "Tom Cruise in a red and yellow iron man suit looking into the camera but then looks away from the camera slowly, as the wind gently blows his hair. The blue energy sources on his chest and hands glow and flicker lightly. The camera movement is panning, panning from left to right, showing the futuristic city lights reflecting off his metallic suit"


By comparing the results above, we think that the result from Workflow 1 (Midjourney to Luma) is the most realistic and detailed output.

In Workflow 2 (Real image to Luma), we refined the prompt to specify Tom Cruise wearing a red and yellow Iron Man suit, as he obviously wasn't wearing one in the real image. However, despite the prompt, the final result did not include the suit.

In Workflow 3 (Just using Luma), we also refined the prompt to specify Tom Cruise wearing a red and yellow Iron Man suit, as no initial image was used. The result is not as high resolution as that from Workflow 1. We think this is because the high quality image from Midjourney "primed" the Luma model to generate higher-quality video.

Thus, if you want the best possible output, we recommend you to use Luma Dream Machine API in conjunction with the image from Midjourney.

Example 2: Henry Cavill Wolverine

In the second example, we’ll revisit a concept fans of the Deadpool and Wolverine movie may be familiar with, the fictional character Wolverine played by Henry Cavill.

Although many may be disappointed by his brief cameo in the movie, Luma API and Midjourney API will allow us to explore an alternate reality where Henry Cavill took on the iconic role of Wolverine, instead of Hugh Jackman.

First, we used Midjourney API to generate an image of Henry Cavill Wolverine; you can see below for the output image and the prompt.

PNG image of Wolverine Henry Cavill, generated by Midjourney
Prompt: "Ultra-realistic, highly detailed image of Henry Cavill as Wolverine, wearing the classic black and yellow X-Men suit with rugged textures. He has a muscular, bulky physique, thick sideburns, and sharp adamantium claws, three on each hand, extended from his knuckles. His hair is messy but styled, with intense, brooding eyes. The setting is a dark, misty forest at night, with moonlight subtly illuminating his face, adding a dramatic shadow effect. Wolverine is in a dynamic combat-ready pose, ready to strike. The atmosphere is tense and gritty, with dirt and scratches on his costume, emphasizing a recent battle."

Then, we input the image generated into Luma API with a new prompt. You can see below for the output GIF from Luma and the prompt used. The output is quite dynamic as you can see.

GIF of the camera zooming into Wolverine Henry Cavill, generated by Luma Dream Machine
Prompt:"A muscular man in a yellow and black suit, standing in a fighting stance with sharp claws, breathes heavily, his body subtly moving up and down with each breath. The camera slowly zooms in while still focusing on the man, while mist and light flickers in the background enhance the intensity"

Example 3 Robert Downey Jr Dr Doom

In the final example, we'll explore the highly anticipated concept of the fictional character Dr. Doom, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr (RDJ).

RDJ Doom takes a new direction for the Marvel universe, and by using the APIs, you can visualize this concept before Marvel releases its first glimpse of Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. Doom.

As with the previous examples, we will first need to generate an image of RDJ Doom using Midjourney API with the prompt provided under the output image.

PNG image of Robert Downey Jr Doom
Prompt: "Ultra-realistic portrait of Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics, without a mask, wearing Doctor Doom’s iconic green cloak and metallic armor. His hood is up, covering part of his head but still revealing his intense and serious expression. The hood casts subtle shadows on his face, giving him a mysterious and powerful aura. The armor is intricately detailed, with visible wear and tear, suggesting battles fought. The background is dark and ominous, featuring mystical and technological elements, with faint glowing machinery. The lighting should create dramatic shadows, highlighting both his face and the folds of his cloak."

The image generated will then be used in the Luma API, along with a prompt shown below the output GIF. We personally like the intense look on the character and the clockwork details as the camera pans to the left.

A GIF of Robert Downey Jr Doom staring intensely into the camera as the camera pans to the left, generated by Luma Dream Machine
Prompt: "A man with an intense gaze, his green hood swaying gently in the wind as the camera slowly circles around him, maintaining focus on his sharp expression and face"


Now it's easy to see why combining our Luma Dream Machine API with our Midjourney API is the superior choice for great animated visuals. The level of detail achieved by feeding Midjourney images into Luma is quite high, and Luma does a very good job with animating the input, resulting in relatively good-quality output videos.

We hope you've enjoyed our little experiment and can try a few other ideas yourself!

If you're interested in our other AI APIs, feel free to check them out!

Happy creating!

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